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Friday, November 4, 2011

Read This - Ethics, Safety & Style Standards -

For safety and to guard against invasions of personal privacy, wise use of the web requires each person to carefully consider the kind of information they reveal about themselves and each other.

The consequences for inattention to privacy run the gamut from personal pain and humiliation for others to personal legal liability for the author.

As matter of personal and professional style, it is always best to avoid revealing too much about oneself to the world on the web.

Unlike popular social media, we will use the blogs created for this course as portfolios of your best work.  As such, please choose thoughtfully what you post on your or others' blogs.

For this course, please adhere to the following principles:

  • Comments: Post respectfully at all times.
  • Photos: Do not post any personally identifiable photos. 
  • Profiles: Limit information to the essentials. 3rd person biographical style. No last names.
  • Blog Name and Title: Choose a blog name that is symbolic. Avoid using your name.
  • Credit: Attribute all works, always.