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Saturday, January 14, 2012

See You Later .....

Our time together has been transformational in so many ways.  A few months was not nearly enough time to know enough of your vibrant lives, though much was revealed through your writing and riffing.  Each triumphant and tragic story resonates deeply with me. 

I am pleased and proud as you have risen to difficult, vital challenges; not the least of which was finding room in your hearts to allow a yarn-yammering science imposter to play the impossible role of a suitable substitute for a brilliant and deeply loved teacher of the language arts.

Though thrust together, we learned to trust together and to hold each other up.  So, thank you for allowing me to do what I do in spite of my limitations -- for enduring my inadequacies and accepting me so warmly and gracefully.  And now it's time for more change.

It seems most of you have already discerned what I have learned about Bill Dwyer : That he is the real deal -- packed chock-full of energy, soul and a deeply rooted passion for words and people. Just what the doctor ordered. You're in very good hands now. 

It's been Good.  Have a wonderful time this semester and I'll see you later....