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Monday, March 12, 2012

Writing for Publication

Throughout the course of the first nine weeks with you, I have read some of the most amazing, creative, and artistic writing.  You continually amaze me on a daily basis, and it has truly been an honor to see everything that you come up with. 

As the first quarter comes to a close, I feel like it is my duty to help get your voices to a wider audience.  I would like to help you publish a magazine.  In order to do this we need to be a team. 

Take one of the pieces that you wrote this semester, edit it, and polish it for a final draft.  If you turn this in to me I will give you five points.  Add some artwork and make a page that is interesting and wonderful.

Over the break I will see what I can put together. 

Most of all, please remember how truly awesome you are.  We have nine weeks left... lets make them extraordinary.

Mr. D

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Realism and Modernism

This week we are looking at how literature changed after the Romantic movement.  We are looking at the Realist writers and the Modernist writers that described the harsh reality of a new world.  In class we read a couple of Hemingway short stories, and we looked at Dickens, London, and Hugo.

Your job this week is to tell a story about the day in the life of someone in Juneau.  Give a voice to someone that is voiceless, and show the harder side of living.

To get a copy of the assignment here...